The "Pearl"-Poet in his "Fayre Regioun."

Turville-Petre, Thorlac.

The "Pearl"-Poet in his "Fayre Regioun."

Minnis, A. J., Charlotte Morse, and Thorlac Turville-Petre, eds. "Essays on Ricardian Literature in Honour of J.A. Burrow." Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp.276-94.

Turville-Petre considers Burrow's "four Ricardian poets" from the perspective of their "claim to be national poets, two of them explicitly [i.e., Chaucer and Gower] and the third [Langland] implicitly" (276). The poet of "Pearl" is more problematic in this regard, and hence the subject of Turville-Petre's examination. He finds in Cambridge, University Library MS Mm. V.14, copied by the scribe Richard Frampton and containing a "Siege of Jerusalem" clearly made in London for a wealthy client of the sort that purchased such manuscripts of Gower's poetry (284-85), suggestive evidence that alliterative poetry such as "Pearl" might have found an audience at the center of the nation no less than Gower's, Chaucer's, and Langland's.[RFY. Copyright. The John Gower Society]


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