

Search Page

Search by Character-string recognizes any precise string of characters, numerals, spaces, and punctuation marks. Phrases can be searched as well.

  • court retrieves records that include court, courts, courtesie, courtliness, etc.  
  • cour retrieves all those records, plus those that include courage, Cour de Lionn, coursediscourse, recourse, etc.
  • court followed by a space will retrieve only those records that include the word court.
  • courtly love will retrieve records that include the phrase.
  • Review of English Studies 64 retrieves all records in volume 64 of RES.
  • Review English Studies retrieves no records because no record includes that sequence of characters.

Search by Specific Fields enables more refined searches, restricted by data-field (author/editor, title, date, etc.) and delimiters (contains, does not contain, starts with, etc.), both available in drop-down menus. Specific Field searches can be combined using And / Or options and they can be used alone or in combination with Character-string searches.


  • Use AND function to combine Author / Editor search with Contributor search in order to find illustrators, composers, performers, etc.
  • Use OR function to combine a Description search of “juvenile” with a Description search of "adolescent” in order to retrieve records pertinent to young adult materials. 
  • Use Gower Subject search to find studies that pertain to individual works by Gower [e.g., Vox Clamantis; see list below].  

Gower Subjects 

Gower Subjects include the following:

  • Backgrounds and General Criticism
  • Bibliographies, Reports, and Reference
  • Biography of Gower
  • Cinkante Balades
  • Confessio Amantis
  • Cronica Tripertita
  • Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
  • In Praise of Peace
  • Influence and Later Allusion
  • Language and Word Studies
  • Manuscripts and Textual Studies
  • Minor Latin Poetry
  • Mirour de l'Omme (Speculum Meditantis)
  • Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
  • Style, Rhetoric, and Versification
  • Traité pour Essampler les Amants Marietz
  • Vox Clamantis