Nigel of Longchamp: Speculum Stultorum.

Mann, Jill, ed. and trans.

Nigel of Longchamp: Speculum Stultorum.

Mann, Jill, ed. and trans. Nigel of Longchamp: Speculum Stultorum (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2023).

". . . there is no doubt that John Gower knew S[peculum] S[tultorum] directly and intimately" (cxl). Mann cites the "Tale of Adrian and Bardus" from the "Confessio Amantis" (V. 4937-5162) as taken directly from Nigel, "the only major divergence from SS [being] the omission of the lion, which may have been due to the desire for brevity, but it is also possible that Gower was (like me) puzzled by the idea of a lion climbing a rope" (cxli). In Appendix D (N.B.: not C, as cited p. cxl), Mann keys Nigel's lines borrowed into the "Vox Clamantis" to loci in what is a major edition (although some of the Book and line references in Appendix D require emendation). This will become the standard edition of "Speculum Stultorum," and is a welcome advance on Thomas Wright, ed., "Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth Century," 2 vols. (Rolls Series, 1872), who gave no line numbers, and on the edition of the "Speculum" of Robert Raymo and J. H. Mozley. [RFY. Copyright. John Gower Society. eJGN 42.2]


Gower Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Confessio Amantis
Vox Clamantis