Teaching Gower's "Tale of Florent" and Leveraging General Education Student Learning Outcomes.

Gastle, Brian W.

Teaching Gower's "Tale of Florent" and Leveraging General Education Student Learning Outcomes.

Gastle, Brian W. "Teaching Gower's 'Tale of Florent' and Leveraging General Education Student Learning Outcomes." Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 30.1 (2023): 17 -30.

Gastle's very practical essay describes how to align classroom study of the "Tale of Florent" (in comparison with Chaucer's "Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale") with a specific learning outcome of general education goals: awareness of other cultures. The essay will be helpful to instructors interested in serving academic accreditation requirements while including medieval literature in undergraduate general education courses. Particularly useful is Gastle's appendix which includes instructions and a rubric for students' final examination essays tailored to "the study of literature in a historical context in today's world" (28). [MA. Copyright. John Gower Society. eJGN 42.2]


Gower Subjects
Backlgrounds and General Criticism
Confessio Amantis
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations