Female Consent and Affective Resistance in Romance: Medieval Pedagogy and #MeToo.

Torres, Sara V.
McNamara, Roberta F.

Female Consent and Affective Resistance in Romance: Medieval Pedagogy and #MeToo.

Torres, Sara V., and Rebecca F. McNamara. "Female Consent and Affective Resistance in Romance: Medieval Pedagogy and #MeToo." New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession 2.1 (2021): 34-49. Open access at https://escholarship.org/uc/ncs_pedagogyandprofession.

Offers pedagogical strategies for confronting "literary representations of sexual violence" in a range of medieval romances and novelle within story collections, including Chaucer's "Knight's Tale" and "Franklin's Tale," and works by Malory, Bocaccio, Gower, and Marguerite de Navarre. Provides "reading approaches, discussion prompts, assignments, and critical contexts" intended to "to position students as critical co-investigators." Gower receives the slightest attention--less than a full paragraph on Thaise in "Apollonius" (pp. 42-43). [MA. Copyright. John Gower Society. eJGN 42.1]


Gower Subjects
Confessio Amantis